“Republican” Congressman turned MSNBC morning anchor Joe Scarborough equated the United States’ immigration detention system to Nazi Germany’s murder of six million Jews.
Citing unnamed public defenders – and repeating salacious, unverified reports – the star of Morning Joe said that authorities separate children from their parents under the guise that they’re going to the showers, only never to see them again.
Perhaps Scarborough’s diatribe brought back images of the time you watched Schindler’s List. Or maybe you recalled learning how Jews and other prisoners deemed incapable of slave labor were subsequently executed at Nazi concentration camps in gas chambers disguised as shower rooms.
Regardless, it’s one thing to disagree with the president on matters of policy – it’s another to infer his policies are akin to Adolf Hitler’s.
That’s no longer a bridge too far for the mainstream media. (The Daily Caller)
Scarborough continued, “This is Donald Trump’s America and, yes, it sounds like something we would be condemning coming out of North Korea.”
Scarborough’s comments are in response to the reports that detained families are being separated at the border.
“Conservatives who like myself want a very tight border, and are very tight — are very conservative — when it comes to immigration,” the former Florida representative said, explaining his own immigration stance. “We believe that borders mean something. We believe that the first thing someone does when they come into our country should not be violating U.S. laws. I’m a hard-liner on immigration.”
The cast of Morning Joe has consistently been among President Trump’s fiercest critics.