An aviation expert has sounded the alarm that unqualified air-traffic controllers, chosen not for their experience and skills, but for meeting diversity quotas, threaten the lives of airline passengers in the increasingly congested skies above America every day.

Art Moore reports:

“They’re taking something that is very real, the danger of death, and playing with it politically,” said Vernon Grose, a risk-management expert and air-disaster analyst who was appointed by President Reagan to the National Transportation Safety Board in 1983.

The Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson recently featured a lawsuit by a former FAA employee who is challenging a requirement enacted in 2014 by the Obama administration that air-traffic controller candidates complete a “biographical questionnaire” before being considered for a job. Remarkably, factors such as being unemployed and doing poorly in science in high school are weighed higher than having extensive air-traffic-control knowledge and being a licensed pilot.

Further, when the policy was implemented, many highly qualified minorities who had been training to become air-traffic controllers were bypassed, according to the lawsuit.

Grose, who was an air-traffic controller in the Air Force, said the job requires a cool and decisive Special Forces-type temperament, and only the best of the best should apply.

There is no data to support the claim that increasing diversity in the ranks of air-traffic controllers makes commercial flying statistically safer.

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