The United Nations just announced a new globalist plan to place American schools under international control, as part of a plan to make Americans pay for “one world government” brainwashing around the globe.

“Children, young women and men are critical agents of change,” the U.N. oozes in a related document.

The New American reports:

…self-styled “hemispheric” authorities, along the lines of the EU and the African Union, intend to gradually harmonize education systems across the Americas — and the planet. In fact, in the Lima document, signatories agreed to work on “strengthening democratic and civic values from early childhood and throughout life, by implementing teaching and learning programs at all levels of education, as well as ongoing education programs.” Why international organizations are needed to educate children — rather than national or local governments, or even churches and voluntary associations — was never explained

To facilitate the indoctrination of all children from “early childhood,” the Lima Commitment, like the UN Agenda 2030, demands what it euphemistically refers to as “gender equality.” As the UN’s own documents make clear, “gender equality” is really a code phrase for prodding mothers into the workforce against their will, breaking down traditional morality and sexual mores, promoting abortion and contraception, undermining “patriarchy,” reducing the number of children per woman to control population, social engineering of families and human behavior, and much more.

The Lima agreement suggests the OAS is fully on board with that. Indeed, governments promised in the document to promote “gender equity and equality and women’s empowerment as a cross-cutting goal of our anti-corruption policies, through a task force on women’s leadership and empowerment that will actively promote cooperation among inter-American institutions and synergies with other international agencies.” 

Making matters worse, White House adviser Ivanka Trump was on hand to announce the United States would give the U.N. $150 million to promote women-owned businesses around the world, The New American reports.

The education scheme is part of the U.N.’s environmentalist agenda. “Goal 4” of the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 “Sustainable Development Goals” commands that every child on the planet receive 12 years of government-run education, focusing on radical environmentalist, “gender equality” and Marxist economics.

Under the new U.N. plan, that will now be funded by U.S. tax dollars.

Many U.N. programs are already U.S. taxpayer-funded, even if U.S. “membership dues” are reduced. Agenda 21, for example, is funded in the U.S. by payments from the Environmental

Protection Agency and the State Department to the organization “ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability,” which is the U.N.’s designated “focal point” for promoting and imposing Agenda 21 land use plans in the U.S.

State and local government contribute additional millions to Agenda 21 through the group, which then spends the money traveling around the country lobbying state and local governments to adopt “smart growth” land use and zoning plans, without informing residents the plans are part of Agenda 21’s long-term plan to impose “green” codes as well as drive Americans out of middle America by slowing cutting off housing growth.

Using U.S. tax dollars to fund a globalist takeover of U.S. will like use the same model, using an American-based “civic” group to covertly lobby for the U.N. plan, bit by bit, by claiming it is a smaller, American-based, “education reform.”

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