Barack Obama went on a crazed rant in Chicago yesterday – comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.
The former President didn’t attack Trump by name, but it was abundantly clear who Obama was referencing.
Obama went after Trump voters, who said that technology was forcing them to “challenge [their] assumptions” and led them to look for “simple answers when [they’re] agitated,” presumably by voting for Trump last November.
Obama then went on to discuss the mainstream media, which Trump repeatedly has labeled “fake news” after a series of scandals where top outlets like CNN and most recently, ABC News disseminated misleading information. (RELATED: Yesterday’s Trump-Media Frenzy Got A FEW TINY THINGS WRONG)
“We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly,” Obama warned, after saying that the biggest danger facing the country is “grow[ing] complacent.”
Then, he invoked Hitler:
“That’s what happened in Germany in the 1930s, which despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high-level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolf Hitler rose to dominate,” Obama said. “Sixty million people died.”
He added, “So, you’ve got to pay attention. And vote.”