The National Security Council refuses to hand over documents that could incriminate the Obama Administration—saying that because those records have already been moved to the Obama Presidential Library, they are now sealed, by law, for five years.
Conservative watchdog organization, Judicial Watch, had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents relating to former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s surveillance of Americans—and whether or not she colluded to leak damaging information about the incoming Trump Administration to Capitol Hill.
That request had been denied in a letter by the NSC, because the documents have been transferred. In their letter, the NSC explained that all requests now must go through the Obama Library—but, because of the Presidential Records Act, the Obama Library could deny access to these critically, potentially-incriminating documents for up to 5 years.
Judicial Watch, who had filed the FOIA request earlier this year, said that wasn’t good enough for the American public.
Judicial Watch president, Tom Fitton, said they would continue to fight to see these documents: “Prosecutors, Congress, and the public will want to know when the National Security Council shipped off the records about potential intelligence abuses by the Susan Rice and others in the Obama White House to the memory hole of the Obama Presidential Library. We are considering our legal options but we hope that the Special Counsel and Congress also consider their options and get these records.”
It’s unclear whether the records were moved over purposely, to keep them out of the hands of the American public (and Judicial Watch) for five years. But, as suspicions continue to grow about wrongdoing within the Obama Administration, it’s clear that this fight will continue.