One of our readers sent us a first-hand account of the shooting that took place in Alexandria, VA injuring Majority Whip Steve Scalise, staff, and police officers:
“[A]round 7am my morning was interrupted by what sounded like fireworks.
At first I thought it was some kids shooting off fireworks before school (live across a middle school)…then more loud consecutive bangs rang out. I said to myself that those were gunshots not fireworks! What sounded like a few more rounds of automatic fire followed by single rounds. This exchanged happened at least one more time.
I looked around the neighborhood and all seemed normal- people walking to the metro (Braddock Station) for work, some jogging, and car traffic flowing normally. Then about 7:15 an Alexandria squad car flew past my window. Seconds later a couple of undercover police cars flew past my window at full speed with their sirens on. A few minutes went by and two more undercover cars did the same. At 7:30 Alexandria PD Twitter gave notice for people to steer clear For the next hour a steady stream of unmarked cars (detectives/vice units), regular police cars, Sheriff’s squad cars, Alexandria Fire Dept. vehicles, and even the large Mobile Command Unit rushed down Mt. Vernon ave towards Del Ray. At one point I heard what sounded like helicopters overhead (emergency evacuation?).