An Indian village has been named after Donald Trump—in a goodwill effort between India and the United States.

“I announce to name one village in India as Trump Village,” said Bindeshwar Pathak, a top Indian sociologist, in a community event outside of Washington, DC.

Pathak is the founder of India’s Sulabh International, an organization that is dedicated to providing affordable sanitation the masses, and ending the practice of “manual scavenging.” It’s a major issue in developing India, where the economy is quickly growing—but much of the nation’s population still remains in poverty.

“The cost of one toilet ranges from USD 25 to USD 500, depending on nature of construction,” said Pathak, highlighting how out-of-reach indoor plumbing is for many Indians.

Pathak’s developing Trump Village in the Mewat region of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Trump Village will, once completed, be a model of sanitation for the rest of the region.

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