A gay Syrian man who had taken refuge in Istanbul was violently attacked on July 23 by a gang of extremists. He was found beheaded, his body mutilated, two days later.
The housemates of victim Muhammed Wisam Sankari are now speaking out about the danger gay people in Turkey face and the lack of protection Turkish authorities offer to gay refugees. Sankari (known as “Wisam” among his peers) had been kidnapped, beaten and gang raped five months prior to the July 23 assault, his friends said.
“That night Wisam left the house. We were already anxious because of the threats. We told him not to go but he said he was going out for 15-20 minutes. He didn’t come home all night,” Sankari’s friend Gorkem told the Turkish LGBT publication KaosGL.
“On Sunday police called us,” Gorkem continued. “They had cut Wisam violently. So violent that two knives had broken inside him. They had beheaded him. His upper body was beyond recognition, his internal organ[s] were out. We could identify our friend from his pants.”