Two new pieces of information should absolutely terrify supporters of Crooked Hillary. First, from the Washington Examiner:

A new CNN/ORC national poll has Donald Trump in the lead by 5 points, a sign of a post-convention bump for the Republican nominee.

Trump is ahead of Clinton 44-39, the poll said. A separate Morning Consult poll released Monday showed the GOP nominee edging Clinton by 4 percentage points.

No Republican presidential nominee since President George W. Bush in 2000 has seen a post-convention surge in CNN polls as big as Trump’s.

As Democrats seek to unify their party in the wake of new concerns about party leaders’ working to help Clinton throughout the primary, the CNN/ORC survey raises new questions about Clinton’s ability to win over independent voters.

Polls are obviously unreliable, but this is a sign that things are closer than Democrats would like to admit. The second development should be far more troubling. Five Thirty Eight, the Nate Silver project that predicted an easy Obama victory when every other outlet had the 2012 election as too close to call, is now predicting that Donald Trump is far more likely than Hillary Clinton to win. As they note:

If the election were today, Trump would likely win. But Clinton’s still favored long-term: https://t.co/2uB2oqpXy4 pic.twitter.com/HUTQMaVrBx

This is great news for Trump, and terrible news for Crooked Hillary.

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