Last night, the Democrats held an all night temper tantrum on the House floor. Democrats are upset that the Republicans won’t let them pass “common sense” gun control measures, as they call them. As Fox notes:
House Speaker Paul Ryan sent lawmakers packing for the holiday break early Thursday morning after a raucous, hours-long sit-in waged by congressional Democrats failed to force a vote on gun control measures.
As Ryan decried the protest as a “publicity stunt” — complete with loud chants and blankets and live-streaming — Democrats claimed they nevertheless had made “some progress” on the issue.
The House adjourned around 3:15 a.m. ET Thursday, and even as Republicans left the buildings, some Democrats stayed on the House floor repeating their chant “No bill no break!” and waving papers with the names of gun victims written in black. Rep. Maxine Waters of California said she was ready to stay “until Hell freezes over.” A core group still lingered on the House floor wrapped in blankets and resting on pillows.
First, the irony. Democrats used the moral authority of civil rights hero John Lewis because they were mad that Republicans were standing up for your civil rights. As the Federalist’s David Harsanyi notes:
In an unprecedented act of pretend political bravery, House members held a catered sit-in, demanding Republicans allow a vote to strip away protections of Second, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments of the Constitution. It was quite the scene.
There were the selfie-happy Democrats singing “We Will Overcome” while demanding passage of a bill that those right-wing nutjobs over at the ACLU have “strongly” argued would undermine civil liberties. As of this writing, no participant has been beaten down by the cops or thrown into a dank cell — although, for those who’d forgotten their chargers, iPhone batteries were probably getting perilously low on juice.
Sit strong, heroes!
But the message was clear. If we recklessly cling to the presumption of innocence, the terrorists have already won. If we fail to let bureaucrats create extrajudicial secret government lists that deny Americans their right to due process, we are, in essence, selling ISIS weapons of mass destruction.
The modern Democratic party has been reduced to a collection of snivelling, uninformed children, who, unable to strip you of your civil liberties in the wake of a crisis, resort to mob tactics and childish whining. The same people who thought George W. Bush was some sort of petty tyrant because he wanted to deny due process protections to foreign Islamic terrorists now think it’s perfectly ok to deny them to innocent American citizens who have not been convicted of a crime. Now more than ever, it’s important to vote these lunatics out.