A person’s faith is their own business, but in the wake of President Obama’s speech at a Baltimore mosque, Rush had some tough questions for the commander in chief. As the Blaze reports:
“He talks about how awesome Islam is all the time, one of the most beautiful sounds he’s ever heard is the morning call to prayer in an Islamic country,” the radio show host added. “He says it’s the most peaceful, most giving religion out there, that the mosque called a prayer one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. And, at the same time, he’s out there, and look what he says about Christians. He says he is one. Look, he talks about ‘em as bitter clingers and they hold on to their guns when they’re nervous.”
Limbaugh then revealed his question.
“My question is, given all this, why did he choose to become a Christian? I’ve always wondered that,” he told his audience. “He’s such a defender and promoter of Islam, and, on the other hand, he and his party are constantly denigrating Christians. I don’t care what the issue is, whether it’s guns, whether it’s gay marriage, any cultural or social issue, or the bitter clinger comments. I’ve always wondered about this.”
The radio host argued he was “not saying anything.”
“I’m just asking a question,” he insisted.
It’s a fair question. As we reported yesterday, Obama seems to think faithful Americans are irrational and filled with fear, and when he uses the term “faith,” he really means blindly accepting whatever socialist items he has on the menu that week. Instead of taking his advice, Christian Americans should pray that the last year of his presidency passes swiftly, without incident.