John Kerry is sticking to his PC guns, no matter how silly it makes him sound. Via the Daily Caller:

At a conference of coalition members tasked with fighting ISIS in Rome yesterday, Secretary of State John Kerry said members of the terrorist organization are not Muslims but apostates of Islam.

“Daesh [ISIS] is in fact nothing more than a mixture of killers, of kidnappers, of criminals, of thugs, of adventurers, of smugglers and thieves,” Kerry said. “And they are also above all apostates, people who have hijacked a great religion and lie about its real meaning and lie about its purpose and deceive people in order to fight for their purposes.”

Apostate, according to The Washington Post, has traditionally been used to describe an individual or, in the plural, a group who abandoned or renounced their religion. Kerry’s application of the term to ISIS is somewhat ironic considering the terrorist organization has justified its attacks on other Muslims by claiming the victims were apostates themselves, which suggests ISIS militants are active participants in the Muslim faith.

This is the silly P.C. tack liberals take on Islam. If an Islamic Radical explicitly carries out an attack in the name of Islam, we’re told they’re not really Islamists. If a mentally ill white male atheist like Dylann Roof or Timothy McVeigh carries out a terrorist attack, the left-wing media scrambles to find any shred of evidence that they’re a white christian conservative. 

This posture is so silly that everyday Americans reject it, but we should still worry. There’s a year left in Barack Obama’s heinous tenure, and if such ideology pervades law enforcement, and resources are misallocated towards things like “radical christian terrorism” and prosecuting those who criticize Islam, more terrorists will slip through the cracks, and innocent Americans will suffer. 

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