Ted Cruz emerged victorious from Iowa after a brutal fight against national frontrunner Donald Trump. While this bodes well for Cruz’s campaign, it should be noted that previous Iowa winners have struggled to replicate their success elsewhere. While many suggest Cruz may be no different, it’s silly to doubt a man who went in to Iowa, faced down Donald Trump, a governor, and big ethanol, and won. Cruz currently trails Donald Trump by significant margins in New Hampshire and South Carolina, but he’s trending upwards in both places, and if he can nab support from Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, and others, he could leverage his considerable war chest to victory.
Then there’s Donald Trump. The billionaire at one time looked like a threat to sweep the primaries. He went to Iowa and underperformed the polls, losing to Cruz, but if he steels his resolve, this may only be a minor setback. The Donald has relied mostly on free media to date, and with considerable financial resources and a 20 point lead, he has the luxury of building a substantial ground game on the fly. With large leads in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida, it may be his race to lose.
So which candidate do you support? Let us know in the comments!