Yesterday Washington D.C. was hit by a snowstorm characterized by most as “Snowpocalypse.” The city shut down at 3pm, public transit was closed for the weekend, and Washingtonians curled up with Netflix, bourbon, and blankets to ride out the storm.
Between that and the burgeoning Trump campaign, the media chose, as per usual, to ignore a major story:the March for Life. This isn’t new, to be sure. The media has always pretended that the massive March for Life doesn’t exist, because acknowledging the size, scope, and civility of the protesters would force them to acknowledge how mainstream and widespread opposition to abortion is in America.
But this year was different., This year, despite the inclement weather, thousands of Americans traveled from all over the country to stand up for life. It was an inspiring reminder of how many Americans are committed to protecting the unborn. Americans came from as far as Iowa and Wisconsin on buses, and some were even trapped by weather trying to making their return.
Unfortunately, since it simply doesn’t fit the media narrative that opposition to abortion is the province of sexist old white men, you won’t hear about it in the lamestream media. So here’s a few places where you can see some wonderful recaps:
The Daily Signal takes a look at some of the most interesting signs from the March for Life.
The Federalist has an interview with the editor of LifeSiteNews.
World Net Daily notes that there were some celebrities in attendance.
IJReview notes the emergence of pro life student culture and the growth of the pro life movement among millennials.
The Washington Times notes the increasing number of young people in attendance at the March for Life.
Finally, New Wave Feminists, a pro life feminist organization, posted photos from the March.