Carly Fiorina took some time from her campaign to address the March for Life today. Despite inclement weather in Washington D.C., thousands showed up to march for an end to all abortion. The full text of her speech is here. Here’s an excerpt:
The establishment media and political class don’t want us to talk about what the abortion industry is doing. You saw what happened when I talked about the horrific truth of the planned parenthood videos during a Republican debate. Unlike the media, you’ve watched the videos. You’ve seen an aborted baby, it’s legs kicking, it’s heart beating while the technician describes how they would keep these babies alive to harvest their organs. The left called me a liar. They said there were no such videos. There are no aborted babies born alive. Nobody is selling baby parts.
But look what happened next. Planned Parenthood came out and said they would no longer take compensation for baby organs. Sounds like an admission to me!
Hillary Clinton is giving a pro-abortion speech today in New Hampshire. She is saying that we as conservative women don’t count. But here’s the truth: they have perverted feminism into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections.
Being empowered means having a voice. But ideological feminism shuts down conversation?—?on college campuses and in the media. If you are a pro-life man?—?or a conservative woman?—?who doesn’t believe the litanies of the left, then you are “waging a war on women” or you are a “threat to women’s health” or you are variously described as “window dressing”?—?Joni Ernst?—?or offensive as a candidate?—?Carly Fiorina.
Ours is a fight for the character of our nation. For the value of life itself. It is a fight we must win to take our country back.
Fiorina may not be riding high in the polls, but her stand on this issue is extremely admirable.