The refugees are getting restless in Germany:

In a searing indictment of the behaviour of some refugees, the woman said her idealism has been eroded and virtually destroyed.

At first she said was enthusiastic in her role of helping process tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Germany on a weekly basis.

Now, she says she is disillusioned, disheartened and on the verge of quitting due to demands and sexual harrassment.

She told Welt am sonntag newspaper she took on the role at the refugee centre in Hamburg last Autumn and was “overjoyed” at the thought of “helping the refugees”.

But after a few days, she said, her enthusiasm was drained away.

The woman, whose identity has been protected, said: “Of course you may not assess all refugees the same: there are many who are very friendly, happy to be here, very grateful, very willing to be integrated.

“But if I am honest, working with 90 per cent of them is rather awkward and unfortunately not as I previously thought.

“First of all, many of them are extremely demanding. They come to me and ask to get an apartment and a fancy car and, best of all, even a really good job for them.

“If I try to explain to them that’s not possible, they are often noisy or even really aggressive.

“An Afghan only recently threatened to kill himself. And a few Syrians and a group of Afghans have declared they would go on hunger strike unless I would help them to move to another place.

“Some from an Arab region recently yelled at a colleague of mine: ‘We decapitate you!’.

“Because of these and other things, the police were called to us several times a week.”

She said she has also been horrified by refugees attitudes towards women.

She said: “It is well known that it is mainly single men who come here – about 65 per cent, many less than 25-years-old.

“And some of them do not respect women at all. They accept that we’re there but they don’t take us seriously at all.

Unleashing thousands of barely literate men who think sexual assault is a-ok on a population: what could possibly go wrong?!

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