New Hampshire riser John Kasich joined Hugh Hewitt yesterday and issued a bizarre statement. The Governor of Ohio is, well, not known for his modesty:
Ohio Gov. John Kasich wants to be known in the GOP presidential race as the “prince of light and hope.”
Kasich is stressing his experience in Congress and painting himself as an optimistic alternative to those campaigning on the woes facing the country as he looks to shore up support in New Hampshire.
“Look, we have a lot of candidates who like the prince of darkness. I consider myself the prince of light and hope,” Kasich said during an interview Tuesday with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.
“I don’t spend all my time getting people riled up about how bad everything is,” Kasich said. “I acknowledge the challenges, but then I say, ‘Look, come together, as Americans first, we can solve these problems.’ “
“The people are hungry for that,” Kasich added. He reiterated that sentiment during an interview with The Wall Street Journal in which he described himself as “the prince of light, the prince of hope.”
Kasich has gained ground in the early voting state of New Hampshire recently, with the latest poll from the American Research Group poll on Tuesday finding him trailing only to Donald Trump, 27 to 20 percent.
Has Kasich lost his mind?