Of all the candidates in the field, only Rand Paul and Donald Trump have offered any sort of alternative Middle Eastern policy. Trump has questioned our opposition to the efforts of Vladimir Putin and our support for the rebels, while Paul has questioned the wisdom of nation building. When Chris Christie began laying out his strategy to defeat ISIS, Paul jumped at his chance:
Rand Paul went on the attack against Chris Christie at tonight’s CNN debate by calling him the candidate for World War III and even invoking Bridgegate.Christie bluntly said that if a Russian plane violated a no-fly zone in Syria, he would not hesitate about shooting it down, saying that he would make sure Vladimir Putin understands how serious America is.
Paul responded, “If you’re in favor of World War III, you have your candidate.” He was disturbed by Christie’s irresponsible and “reckless” judgment. He said that’s the kind of policy that would be pushed by someone who “might shut down a bridge because they don’t like their friends.”
Paul’s numbers are down, but this was by far his best moment of the debate. Whether or not it helps him in the polls has yet to be seen.