America’s least favorite agency- SPECIFICALLY tasked with keeping us safe- may be rife with terrorists.
The Transportation Security Administration granted access to secure airport areas to 73 aviation workers with “links to terrorism,” according to a new report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General.
The audit, released Monday, reveals that TSA was unable to vet out 73 individuals with terror-related category codes because the agency did not have enough access to terror list information.
“According to TSA data, these individuals were employed by major airlines, airport vendors, and other employers. TSA did not identify these individuals through its vetting operations because it is not authorized to receive all terrorism-related categories under current interagency watchlisting policy,” the redacted report reads.
After 9/11, many Americans saw the tradeoff- infringement on key civil liberties in exchange for safety- as worthwhile to prevent another massive terrorist attack. For the most part, we’ve been successful at avoiding that. But in the interim, millions of Americans who look nothing like terrorists have been groped, fondled, and abused by employees of this completely ineffectual agency in the name of security theater.
This new information comes on the heels of June’s revelation that the TSA failed to detect guns, explosives, and a slew of other violent objects government investigators attempted to sneak past them. Perhaps it was because they were too busy engaging in the absurd, politically correct exercise of patting down 95 year old, wheelchair bound grandmothers and forcing them to remove adult diapers. Who knows? What’s clear is that this multibillion dollar security theater company isn’t making Americans any safer.