This will make you sick. At a soccer game between Greece and Turkey held in Istanbul, the crowd was asked to observe a moment of silence for the victims of the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris. How did they respond?
Loud chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’ filled the stadium in Muslim Istanbul at a friendly soccer match Tuesday evening between Greece and Turkey.
Attendees were asked to observe a moment of silence in honor of the victims of last Friday’s Islamic terror attacks in Paris.
Derisive whistles and boos also rang out during the attempt to honor the victims.
Turkey was once the model for blending Islam and modernity, but over the last few decades many have reported of growing Islamic extremism. Under Erdogan, who has played to that crowd, disaffected young Islamist men are in abundance. Erdogan’s AKP has helped advance that fundamentalism, in a slow effort to transform a forward thinking nation into an Islamic state. It appears his policies have been a great success. Those in the west who harbor any illusions about radical Islam should watch this video and reconsider.