The New York Post’s Michael Goodwin has issued a challenge to Obama: lead or resign.
He refuses to say “Islamic terrorism,” as if that would offend the peaceful Muslims who make up the vast bulk of victims. He rejects the word “war,” even as jihadists carry out bloodthirsty attacks against Americans and innocent peoples around the world.
He shuns the mantle of global leadership that comes with the Oval Office, with an aide advancing the preposterous concept that Obama is “leading from behind.” He snubs important partners like Egypt, showers concessions on the apocalyptic mullahs of Iran, and called the Islamic State the “jayvee team” even as it was beginning to create a caliphate.
Having long ago identified American power as a problem, he continues to slash the military as the enemy expands its reach. In a globalized era, the Obama doctrine smacks of cowardly retreat and fanciful isolation.
In an accident of timing that captures his cluelessness, the president actually declared on Friday morning that the Islamic State had been “contained,” practically boasting in a TV interview that “They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria.”
What gall. What folly.
Paris is the final straw. Obama’s exemption from reality has expired. He must either commit to leading the free world to victory, or step aside so someone else can.
Goodwin has a point. It has been Obama’s dithering, and focus on simple domestic issues that are his bread and butter that has lead to ISIS rapid expansion and now invasion of Europe. His failure to make a coherent case to Congress for any sort of American action in Syria left a power vaccuum that Russia and Iran were too eager to fill. This has left the Islamic State, and all of America’s enemies emboldened. In the wake of Paris, it’s time he shows us all that he fully understands and appreciates that the greatest threat to America’s national security isn’t climate change- it’s Islamic terrorism.