The Daily Mail reports:
Distraught family and friends have launched a desperate search for loved ones feared dead in the ISIS Paris massacre as Francois Hollande vowed to strike back against the jihadi ‘barbarians’.
At least 127 people have killed and more than 300 taken to hospital after eight militants carried out a series of co-ordinated attacks across the French capital.The streets of the French capital were eerily quiet today as authorities declared a state of national emergency following the worst attacks in Europe since the 2004 Madrid train bombings.
As chaos, confusion and fear gripped the city, parents have been taking to Twitter in the hope of finding news of their missing children while mourners across Paris and the world held vigils for the dead.
There are reports that the terrorist was a Syrian refugee. This is consistent with ISIS stated claims that they would carry out an invasion of Europe. Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Front, has called for “annihilating Islamist fundamentalism” in the wake of this tragedy.
France is America’s oldest ally. The attack on Friday comes only months after the devastating attack on Charlie Hedbo. Please keep the French people in your thoughts and prayers.