The mainstream media breathlessly hailed Vice-President Joe Biden’s decision to pass on a 2016 presidential campaign, predicting the move would send Hillary Clinton’s primary polling numbers into the stratosphere.
Without Joe Biden eating up 10-15% of the vote, Clinton was set to expand her lead over Senator Bernie Sanders.
So you can guess what happened next.
“Clinton still has a healthy lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders, 52-33, according to a new New York Times/CBS poll released Thursday. But that’s actually a narrower margin than in mid-October, when she led Sanders 56-32 at a time when Biden was still flirting with a run, and was picking up some support in the polls,” The Washington Examiner reports.
Rather than switch their support of the relatively moderate Biden to the relatively moderate Clinton, Biden supporters threw their votes to more liberal challengers Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley.
The message is simple. Even what’s left of the Democratic Party’s moderate wing simply doesn’t like or trust Hillary Clinton.