The protests at the University of Missouri may have taken a more dramatic turn. Messages obtained by the Young America’s Foundation that tell “black students and their closest allies” to take up arms to protect their “safe space.”

YAF reports the following message was disseminated through private Facebook groups and text messages.

Sensitive and confidential info: We’re (black students and our closest allies) gonna occupy the bcc from 9am until. We don’t want them to feel in control. So we’ll hold study hall in our safe place all day and escort ppl wherever they need to be. But don’t put this info on any public platform. Let ppl know they TEXT & DMs only please. Have pepper spray, taser, whatever non lethal weapon if possible. Help protect our safe place and spread the word so blacks can be protected.

The Blaze reports that similar calls have been made on Twitter. It also reporting that some students, both white and black, are criticizing the call to arms as “creating a bunch of hysteria on campus.”

The University of Missouri has been rocked by protests, and even a threatened boycott of the football team, resulting from alleged racial incidents. While some of these incidents have been independently verified, there have been some threats made towards black students. University police arrested a 19 year old for making threats towards black students on the popular college social media site Yik Yak.

The protests have already resulted in the resignation of the university’s president. A professor who refused to cancel his exam due to the protests and threats of violence was forced to resign today. Finally, another professor who clashed with a journalist trying to cover the protests on campus resigned yesterday.

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