Is Hillary Guilty of “Stolen Valor”?
Dowd wondered openly whether Hillary’s story was true. Some of Hillary’s friends now say she did it in order to humiliate the Marines as sexist. Dowd wrote that Hillary “did not seem to fit in with the First Lady’s own persona,” since Hillary was a peacenik at Wellesley, and added that Hillary moved to Arkansas to be with Bill, not join the military. In 2008, Bill told a version of the story in which he said Hillary tried to join the Army.
In 2007, Hillary was asked about her Marines tale by Michael Crowley of The New Republic. Crowley wrote, “At this her eyes narrowed and she threw me a glare of mistrust. ‘I have very deep and quite broad relationships with people in the military,’ she said. As for the meaning of the recruiting visit, ‘I can’t tell you,’ she said with a dismissive wave. ‘You go look at that.’”
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