Today this happened:
Today, at a roundtable in Derry, New Hampshire, a male audience member said that he wanted to “strangle” Republican Presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina.
“Every time I see her [Carly Fiorina] on TV I want to reach through and strangle her,” he said.
Such remarks about committing violence against women are clearly in poor taste and deserve swift condemnation.
But instead, Hillary responded by LAUGHING.
How can Hillary claim to stand up for women in one breath and stand by and laugh at these tasteless comments?
This should be devastating for Hillary’s campaign, which is built largely on women’s issues- Hillary talks frequently about equal pay, abortion, and violence against women. Moreover, she’s the Democratic frontrunner. This is a totally newsworthy gaffe sure to generate headlines.
But how is the mainstream media reporting it?
The NBC News headline is “Hillary Clinton Reacts to Joke About Carly Fiorina.”
That’s it? This is a huge story about the candidate whose campaign is built around her steadfast support of women laughing when a man threatens lethal violence against a woman! This is a huge story attached toa viral video. The editor is sitting on a goldmine, and we get “reacts to joke.”
The verb choice is correct in that Hillary did react. But the image shows a scowling Hillary. The vague, technically accurate characterization, when paired with the photo, suggests to the casual news reader that Hillary was unamused by a Fiorina joke. “Of course” you might say. Hillary takes women’s issues very seriously! She’s sticking to her principles. Boring. You’re unlikely to read. You’re more likely to move on.
Maybe that’s the point.