It’s hard to argue with this logic:

On Monday at a Springfield, Illinois rally, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said that Hillary Clinton in running for president to avoid going to jail.

“People are in jail right now for doing five percent of what she did and the Democrats are not gonna to prosecute her, and it’s frankly a disgrace,” Trump said. “And you know it and so do I and so do these people right here—they know it.”

Regarding Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State and mishandling of classified information, Trump said that “and you better remember that there’s a six-years statute of limitations on that crime.”

“Hillary is running for a lot of reasons—one of ‘em is because she wants to stay out of jail.”

Trump added that, “if we had honest government, Hillary wouldn’t be allowed to run.”

Some have suggested that Hillary is “too big to jail.” The former Secretary of State has spent her entire political career mired in scandal after scandal and has thus far got off scot free. Maybe some day soon, her luck will run out.

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  1. Hillary doesn’t run anything she is too drunk, stoned oraybe mentally sick from head injury. If she was on blood thinner Xarelto she could have m free memory loss, dementia.
    She doesn’t make decisions the Democrats or Soros, Obama’s shadow government does. Huma took care of Hillary for 20 years. Interesting.
    Trump 2020
    Thank God for the wall

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