When what has now become known as the professional left was ascendant, they claimed to value concepts like free speech. But now that they’re in charge? No further questions.

Watch as University of Missouri protesters surround and attempt to intimidate this citizen journalist- at the behest of a middle aged professor! 

“Help me get this reporter out of here,” bellowed Melissa Click, a Mass Communications assistant professor, after journalist Mark Schierbecker began recording demonstrators at the protest. Days earlier, Click had called for national exposure for the student movement on her Twitter page before making it private on Monday. “I need some muscle.”

Student photographer Tim Tai is seen clashing with Greek Life assistant director Janna Basler in a video on the school’s Quad.
Click, who can be seen grabbing photographer Tim Tai in the video, boasts a PhD in Communication and has studied “popular culture texts and audiences, particularly texts and audiences disdained in mainstream culture,” according to a bio online.

Those concerned with free speech and academic integrity should be calling for Click’s job. 


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