The racial tension that has gripped Missouri has now spread to the University of Missouri. This week, members of the University of Missouri football team threatened to sit out until the school’s president was removed from his position, and so today, Tim Wolfe resigned from his position as President. From Foxsports:
Members of the University of Missouri football team raised awareness of the school’s racial turmoil Saturday, joining forces with the student protesters and threatening to boycott football activities until president Tim Wolfe is removed from his position.
The student group leading the protest, Concerned Student 1950, issued its list of demands, which the Columbia Daily Tribune published, to the university last month. It’s unclear if the university has taken steps to adopt any of the proposed changes, or if the striking football players want all of these demands met.
The group issued a list of demands, which you can view here. It is unclear how many of them result to the incidents on campus, or how this will differ from the current curriculum. Notably, members of the history department already seem to understand and heartily endorse these accusations of structural racism. The hearty letter of endorsement from the school’s history department suggests these students aren’t being fed a classical, dead white male based curriculum.