Election night wasn't a good night for Kentucky Democrats. Conservative Republican Matt Bevin, who was expected to lose handily, won an easy victory over the…
The media’s breathless claims the family members of the Benghazi victims support Hillary are running into a problem. Namely, the family members of the Benghazi…
Liberals pie in the sky economic agenda is falling apart around them. They've dumped billions of taxpayer dollars on schemes like Solyndra and on Obamacare…
This week, Senator Ted Cruz slammed Senate Democrats, lead by Harry Reid, for their opposition to Kate's Law, a bill named for the San Francisco…
Billionaire businessman and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump tells Breitbart News Daily that he has created tens of thousands of jobs over the years.…
During the Democratic debate, Bernie Sanders controlled the action. He opened up and dominated the floor, pushing his hard left socialist agenda in a way…
Matt Bevin's campaign was cooked. The RGA had pulled its support and liberal blogs were writing his obituary. Then a curious thing happened. The polls…
One GOP candidate is apparently NOT sick of the love affair with independent socialist Bernie Sanders, and he's got something to say: Marco Rubio says…
A senior communications official that just joined the Hillary Clinton campaign has an interesting criminal history: The new head of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s “rapid response”…
In a shocking NSFW video brought to light by Sean Hannity, liberal pro immigration groups use young children to issue profanity laden screeds against Donald…