The mainstream media is finally taking offense at the gun-control movement. Not because their efforts undermine our inalienable rights – but because too many white people are leading it.

The BBC, in an article by columnist Georgina Rannard, asked: “Is the new movement against gun violence that is sweeping America too white and too rich?”

“It’s a question hotly debated on social media as hundreds of thousands rallied on Saturday in support of the #NeverAgain campaign that emerged after 17 people were killed in a gun attack at a high school in Parkland, Florida, last month,” explained Rannard. “Protesters are being accused of hypocrisy, as some ask why they didn’t turn out for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was set up in 2013 to end police violence against black people and highlight the impact of gun violence in ethnic minority communities.” Rannard cited that more than half of all murder victims in the United States were black, despite making up a little more than a tenth of the population.

Rannard also accused white people of “appropriating” the slogan, “Don’t shoot,” falsely attributed to an 18-year-old African American Michael Brown, who was shot by a police officer – after going for his gun – in Ferguson, Missouri.

Rannard also criticized the media for highlighting white students who survived the Parkland shooting last month, despite that nearly a quarter of students at the high school are black.

“Some critics suggested that Never Again has attracted so much attention because of the race and economic background of its founders, who are students at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland,” Rannard wrote.

The mainstream media has gone all-in on gun control, with CNN even admitting this week that they allowed Parkland student David Hogg to lie on camera about gun violence. But, suddenly the elite media is eating their own –complaining that the movement they helped create and amplify isn’t “diverse” enough.

READ NEXT: [VIDEO] CNN Admits Letting Activists Mislead on Gun Control [CLICK HERE] >>


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