Senator Ted Cruz nailed Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg for censoring conservatives on his social media platform. Cruz only spoke for a few minutes, but raised important points. I think we all know someone who has been sent to “Facebook jail,” meaning, they said something Facebook’s woke censors didn’t like and were suspended temporarily or in some cases, permanently. 

Zuckerberg testified before Congress in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica “scandal.” When Facebook gave Obama’s re-election campaign access to nearly twice as much personally identifiable information, it barely made the news. 

Between Facebook actively helping the Obama campaign and suppressing conservative voices, we know where they stand. To prove it, we’ve assembled a list of times when the social media giant censored conservatives, both small and large. Be sure to click all the way through to the end. It’s mind-boggling to imagine they thought they could cover the last scandal up!


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