A new Pearson-published advanced placement (AP) history textbook displaying some overt anti-Trump and anti-conservative bias is just more confirmation that the public school system is becoming increasingly geared towards indoctrinating our children with liberal ideology.

Co-host of the Indianapolis-based Joe and Alex Show. “Alex on Air,” uncovered new language from the high school AP textbook “By The People” that plainly suggests President Donald Trump is mentally ill and his supporters are racists.

As reported by The Blaze, one passage of the textbook insinuates that Trump voters were largely white people who felt racial anxiety and animosity over the browning of America.

“Trump’s supporters saw the vote as a victory for the people who, like themselves, had been forgotten in a fast-changing America–a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group. Clinton’s supporters feared that the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history,” says the text.

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