Stormy Daniel’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti told the left-leaning Daily Beast that he believes the Kremlin is behind a concerted effort to plant damning stories about him in the American press. Unfortunately, for Avenatti, he never presented any evidence to support this claim. (The Daily Caller)
Avenatti, the media-friendly attorney representing porn star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Donald Trump, claims two members of the media and a “high ranking American intelligence official” informed him of the Russian plot.
“They’re doing it because they see me as a threat, a considerable threat,” he told The Daily Beast. “If we weren’t a threat, none of this would be happening.”
Avenatti also told The Daily Beast that members of the Russian government are trying to spread a story that he once traveled to Moscow and had sexual relationships with several women during his trip.
Negative stories about Avenatti that have been corroborated so far include his failed business venture, West-Coast based Tully’s Coffee, which recently suspended commerical operations. Additionally, Avenatti’s company has yet to pay a six-figure settlement to a former employee that a judge found was terminated for discriminatory reasons.