Is Mitt Romney a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
The Republican politician’s aspirations have risen like a Pheonix from the ashes after losing decisively to President Barack Obama in 2012. Yet, the underlying problems that made that loss inevitable remain.
Romney still fails to excite base voters, whose numbers and effectiveness in the field determine political success.
With Mitt’s dismal record on the issues and inability to fight back against opposition attacks, it’s no surprise Republicans’ enthusiasm gap couldn’t match the Democrats 2012 turnout.
One could argue that Donald Trump has shortcomings, too – but complacency and submissiveness – cardinal sins for any politician aren’t among them.
In the end, the two election night results speak for themselves.
However, Romney has returned, hopeful to become the next United States Senator from Utah. All that stands in his way is State Representative Mike Kennedy.
With the Republican Primary rapidly approaching on Tuesday, June 26, it’s time to remind AAN readers and like-minded voters of Governor Romney’s abysmal track record. (Right Wing News)
As a result, Romney’s liberal record on taxes (yes, he taxed the corporate world in Massachusetts), Cap and Trade (first in the nation!), gay marriage, gay rights, quotas, gun control, immigration, etc, etc. was little known outside of Massachusetts because many of America’s leading conservatives decided to portray him as someone he wasn’t. Even a number of prominent right to life and national pro-family groups and leaders made a decision to remake Romney as a conservative even though they knew he was not. I should know; I briefed many of them about Romney’s record. Had the conservative leadership told the truth about Romney’s record as Governor, it’s likely he wouldn’t have won the GOP nomination.
And why is that relevant? Well, Romney’s liberal record so compromised him that he was unable to attack Obama on a whole range of issues due to fear of Obama using his own positions from just a few years earlier to make him look like a hypocrite. Whether it’s Cap and Trade, ObamaCare, gun control, gays in the military, religious freedom or even illegal aliens, Romney took these issues off the table because his own record on these issues was not dissimilar to the Obama record.
The myth of Mitt Romney as a vanguard for the conservative movement persists because of Team Romney and the liberal media perpetuating it. However, conservatives can change that narrative once and for all.
Despite popular belief, it does not take a majority to initiate positive changes. A tiny, impassioned minority lighting the fires of freedom can change the world. Initially, less than one-fifth of the population in the 13 colonies supported the American Revolution. As conservatives, we owe it to our values, our children, and future generations to learn how to win consistently!