Former first lady Melania Trump recounted Tuesday on Fox News the moments in the Situation Room during the pivotal operation that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Melania shared the details she witnessed from the White House Situation Room and revealed that she was summoned to the room by former President Donald Trump during an interview on “The Five.” She said that she watched as U.S. Special Forces executed the raid that eliminated Baghdadi.


“It was amazing to experience that kind of action really and soldiers, they were so brave and interesting. I didn’t put in the book actually but it’s after that in few months, I met those pilots in North Carolina that they flew over so they explained to me what they need to do, what’s how they need to prepare,” Melania explained. “They cannot tell anybody they go and they called to duty and right away they go on the flight. And they tell them that he didn’t need to go so very interesting story as but I was there and my husband he called me and he said like he wants that I see it.”

The former president announced in October 2019 that DNA evidence confirmed the death of ISIS leader Baghdadi. He emphasized that eliminating Baghdadi, who had long been hunted by U.S. forces, was a top security priority for his administration.

An Iraqi court in July sentenced the wife of Baghdadi, Asma Mohammed, to death for her role in detaining Yazidi women and aiding ISIS kidnappings in Sinjar. Mohammed, who was living under a false name in Turkey, was arrested in 2018 and extradited to Iraq.

Featured Image Credit: The Trump White House Archived

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