By scouring millions of mitochondrial genetic marker “barcodes,” scientists have found evidence that all 100 billion humans that have ever lived descended from one set of parents who had intercourse between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. (Daily News)
This also could apply to animals, wrote the researchers from Rockefeller University in New York City and Basel University in Switzerland, in a study published in the journal Human Evolution in June. The lead authors, Mark Stoeckle of Rockefeller University and David Thaler of the University of Basel, were studying mitochondria as a defining marker for delineating species.
“This conclusion is very surprising,” said co-author David Thaler of the University of Basel, according to the science news website Evolution News & Science Today. “I fought against it as hard as I could.”
Their research also opened the possibility that a catastrophic event might have nearly wiped out all of Earth’s species—or that most of the planet’s species came into being at roughly the same time.
What they did find for certain “is that the most recent common ancestor of those species seems to have lived during that time period,” Evolution News noted. “Either way, if the paper is right, it would be a shock to established scientific expectations.”
Stoeckle and Thaler’s study validates biblical teachings in at least one other way. It affirms we and our fellow animals on Earth arose from a relatively recent creation event, catalyzed by an unknown mechanism.