Justin Amash is at it again. 

The libertarian-leaning congressman reached across the aisle, being the only Republican on the House Oversight Committee to vote to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt. (Twitchy)

The vote has now taken place and the committee has voted along party lines … with the exception of Republican Rep. Justin Amash, who became the darling of the Left when he became the first Republican Congressman to call for President Trump’s impeachment, which he did in an epic Twitter thread that brought Democrat activist Alyssa Milano to tears. Daily Beast columnist Matt Lewis wrote that Amash should run for president, which some speculated was on his mind already.


The No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, also known as Kate’s Law after Kate Steinle? Yeah, we remember.

So Democrats (and Amash) are going to these lengths to keep a citizenship question off the United States census? Guess it’s really, really important to them not to get an accurate count of who’s in the country legally and who’s not.



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