The Service Employees International Union, one of the richest special interests in America, and noted for their ultraviolent tactics, is going all in for Hillary.

The union is poised to endorse Clinton and shower her with millions of dollars in cash and thousands of foot soldiers.

“The union’s executive board will meet Tuesday to discuss its presidential endorsement. It is likely the board will officially back Clinton, according to a report, dashing the hopes of rival candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who has lobbied hard for union support,” The Washington Examiner reports.

The SEIU is best known for their violent attacks on Tea Partiers at town hall events in 2009.  Already one the wealthiest and largest union, their bank accounts and membership rolls have swelled thanks to Obamacare.

In 2014 the union spent $23.6 million to support the election of almost exclusively Democrat candidates.

The SEIU’s cash power is matched only by its penchant for violence.

Security Industry Specialists, Inc., a private personal security firm, documents just a few of the SEIU’s recent acts of violence against conservatives, and their own members:

In 2009, SEIU members assaulted and battered a black man who was handing out flags in opposition to ObamaCare. According to this report in The Weekly Standard, the SEIU members punched and beat the man, and called him a racial epithet (the N-word) as they did so. The victim confirmed that this is a video of the beating.

State of California worker Ken Hamidi is no stranger to the SEIU. He has sued the SEIU to end the forced unionization of workers against their will. How does the SEIU respond when challenged? Hamidi says that four or five SEIU thugs beat him to a pulp at a meeting in 2009, with top SEIU officials urging them on. …(N)ews footage (shows) a bloodied Hamidi immediately after the meeting. According to Hamidi, SEIU members also threatened to kill him.

A recent lawsuit, Rosselli v. Service Employees International Union, 2013 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 3895 (May 31, 2013), repeats this familiar refrain. In this lawsuit, SEIU members are accused of multiple acts of violence, including:

– Making multiple death threats to one of the plaintiffs;
– Throwing eggs and water bottles at other plaintiffs;
– Hiring armed security guards who surveilled, videotaped, and intimidated plaintiffs;
– Following a female plaintiff to medical appointments, physically grabbing her badge, and threatening and attempting to strike her;
– pushing, assaulting, and threatening others at numerous other workplace meetings.

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