You’ll be surprised to find out, that no, they won’t. Via the Daily Caller:
National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes says the Obama administration is still planning on allowing Syrian refugees to enter the U.S. despite Friday’s terrorist attack in Paris where at least one of the attackers had a Syrian passport.
“One of the attackers in the French slaughter was carrying a Syrian passport that seemed to indicate that he had been a refugee that had come into Europe along with the flood of migrants in October,” Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace said to Rhodes. “Given that, is President Obama reconsidering the plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year?” (RELATED: Paris Attacker Was A Syrian ‘Refugee’)
“No, Chris, we’re still planning to take in Syrian refugees,” Rhodes responded, adding, “we have very robust vetting procedures for those refugees.”
What’s happened in Syria is without a doubt tragic, and it’s true that many refugees are persecuted religious minorities seeking to breathe free. To the extent that we can help those Christians who have been massacred by ISIS, we should do our part. But the fact remains that this weekend, Muslim terrorists who promised to use the refugee crisis as a way to perpetrate terrorist attacks on the West succeeded in doing so, and they’ve announced that they plan on doing more. In situations like this, a leader faced with such a difficult decision must put the safety and security of his own people first.