France is known for its incredible use of police dogs. In today’s raid on an Islamic terror cell, one of these brave dogs gave his life, saving dozens of people in the process:
Diesel, a 7-year-young Belgian Shepherd on the police force in Paris, sacrificed his life early this morning and saved the lives of his entire team. In the days since the terrorist attack that shook the country and sparked an outpouring of support from people all over the globe, police have been conducting counter-terror raids in search of the “mastermind” behind it all.
As police prepared to storm an apartment building in Saint-Denis, where the man in question was thought to be hiding, they sent Diesel inside to “assess the level of danger” before they followed.
The official Twitter account for Police Nationale tweeted about Diesel’s death soon after, and it was retweeted more than 13,000 times in minutes. The hashtag #Jesuisunchien (meaning “I’m a dog”) has gone viral with people paying tribute to Diesel and the working dogs like him.
In the United States, police dogs are used primarily to search for bombs and drugs. In France, as the video above shows, they’re often an integral part of policing crisis situations.