Gov. Bobby Jindal: The Louisiana Governor, who never found a foothold in the 2016 presidential race, decided this week to end his campaign well before the Iowa vote. Looking to make the Hawkeye State his political firewall, Jindal had driven his support level to as high as 6% in at least one poll, but that was clearly not enough to catapult him into the first tier of candidates. Thus, Jindal realized his effort was doomed. The Governor becomes the third Republican to exit the race. He follows ex-Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to the political sidelines. Jim Webb, the former Virginia Senator, and ex-Rhode Island Governor and Senator Lincoln Chafee are the withdrawn Democrats.
Polling: Several surveys were released this week: Public Policy Polling’s national poll (11/16-19; 607 likely Republican primary voters) finding Trump topping Dr. Ben Carson, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio 26-19-14-13%; WBUR-MassInc Polling (11/14-15; 405 likely NH Republican primary voters), 23-13-13-8% for Trump, Carson, Rubio, Cruz; the Morning Consult national poll (11/13-16; 2,001 registered voters on a weekly track; 774 self-identified Republicans), 38-19-7-7% for Trump, Carson, Cruz, Rubio; Fox NH (11/15-17; 353 likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters) 27-13-11-9-9% for Trump, Rubio, Cruz, ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and Carson; while Florida Atlantic University (11/15-16; 355 likely FL Republican primary voters) finds Trump leading 36-18-15-10-9% over Sen. Rubio, Dr. Carson, Sen. Cruz, and ex-Gov. Bush, respectively. The prevailing conclusion is that four candidates are consistently forming a top tier within the mammoth presidential field: Messrs. Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz, usually in said order.