A great story out of Ohio!
Schuler’s Bakery has a been a staple in the Springfield community since 1937. Their popular doughnuts and cookies fly off the shelves, but Friday, Nov. 20, 2015, it was a sign they recently started displaying not their sweet treats that is the talk of the town.
The sign starts off by saying this store is politically incorrect: We say Merry Christmas and God Bless America.
“I felt like I was being called by God to deliver a message to let people know my views,” said Trent Schuler, the bakery’s owner.
And so far the response has been mostly positive.“We have gotten a lot of phone calls and a lot of people commenting on it. A lot of people in the military, the police force thanking us and saying we should keep it up,” said Stefnee Bowshier, who has worked at the bakery for five years.
The sign hanging in the alcove at Schuler’s does go on to thank our troops, as well as police and firefighters and says they salute the flag. And longtime Schuler’s Bakery shopper Terri Rinkoski says she is proud of the bakery for speaking up.
“I think it’s a reminder that we can all take a stand and there is somebody out there who feels the same way and is willing to stand up and stay it,” said Rinkoski.
Enjoy Schuler’s, before left-wing activists attempt to tear it down. At a time when nutty free speech activists have run amok in America, it’s nice to see ordinary Americans rallying around the sort of civility and humor that builds communities and brings us all together.