Rush Limbaugh delved into an interesting topic today: the establishment’s embrace of Donald Trump, at the expense of Ted Cruz. Rush had an interesting take on the matter:
Establishment Republicans are coming out for Donald Trump, but “what it really signifies is their hatred for Ted Cruz,” radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said on his program Thursday.
“It’s the most incredible thing to sit here and watch all of this,” Limbaugh said. “They literally despise Ted Cruz. They are beside themselves with hatred for Ted Cruz that goes beyond the rational.”
It is rational, though, “if you understand the establishment’s absolute hatred and distaste for conservatism,” Limbaugh continued. “These people are out there, some of them are actually saying that they would actively, publicly support and vote for Hillary Clinton over Ted Cruz. Other elected Republicans are saying so, Republican consultants, typical establishment members, even some donors.”“Bob Dole has come out and said, paraphrasing, ‘oh, yeah, Donald Trump, far, far, far more preferable than Ted Cruz,” Limbaugh continued, noting that he has a story in his “stack of stuff” from The Hill that “Republican donors are quietly coming around to the idea that Donald Trump could be their party’s nominee for president.”
There are many GOP donors who can’t abide the idea of Trump as their standard-bearer, and remain “flat-out in denial” about his candidacy’s strength, interviews with GOP business leaders suggest attitudes are changing, The Hill’s story says.
Is this a sign that Cruz is simply too conservative for the establishment, or that they’ve identified Trump as the more likely winner? What do you think?