How badly would the latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails hurt her in Iowa and New Hampshire?
We won’t know, because the Obama State Department is defying a judge’s order and not releasing them until after those two states vote.
Their excuse? They “forgot” to review them, and then it snowed.
“In court documents filed Friday, the State Department said it unintentionally ‘overlooked’ the need to send a number of Clinton’s emails to other agencies for review and would need more time to complete those ‘consultations,’” The Washington Examiner reports.
“However, the agency said the process of asking other agencies to look over more than 7,000 remaining pages of emails will be ‘interupted by the storm’ and delayed the release of the rest of the emails until Feb. 29, a full month after a federal judge originally ordered the emails to have been posted online,” the Examiner reports.
A devastating loss in Iowa and New Hampshire could doom Clinton in later states where she is favored. The defied order spares her from that possibility.