Erica Thomas is considered a rising star in the Democratic Party.

Or at least she was.

The minority leader in Georgia’s House of Representatives claimed a white man accosted her while grocery shopping in emotional posts on social media that went viral.

According to her allegation, the black Democrat said a racist “white man” called her a “lazy son of a b*tch” and to “go to back to where you came from.”

The Daily Caller further reports:

On the same day, Thomas detailed the alleged encounter in a Facebook live video. She opened up by saying, “People are getting really out of control with this white privilege stuff.”


On Sunday, Eric Sparkes stepped forwarded and claimed he was the man that Thomas was referring to in the grocery store. He denied ever making any racially charged insults towards Thomas and said he only called her a “lazy b*itch” because she had too many items in the express checkout lane.

Sparkes told reporters that he is a Democrat and a Hispanic American who vehemently opposes President Trump. He added that Thomas was only doing this to help further her political career.

“This woman is playing the victim for political purposes because she is a state legislator,” Sparkes said in a video by CBS 46. “I’m a Democrat and will vote Democrat for the rest of my life, so to call me whatever she wants to believe. For her political purposes, make it black, white, brown, whatever. It is untrue.”

Thomas eventually appeared to backtrack on her explosive claims.

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