Jessica Yaniv is pushing the envelope again. 

The transgender lesbian made headlines for attacking a female esthetician who expressed discomfort and declined to wax Jessica’s male genitals.

Before you read further, ask yourself: would it be appropriate for a straight man to promote a topless pool party for teenage girls and ban parents from attending?

Per Conservative Tribune:

Specifically, Yaniv is promoting the “Youth All-Bodies Swim for LGBTQ2S+ Youth And Their Allies.” The promotional materials make it clear that the party is for youths as young as 12 years of age.

But the story really gets hairy when you check out the rules for the pool party that the biologically male Yaniv is promoting.

Rule number 1: No parents.

According to Yaniv, it allows the “kids to be themselves” and is “great for their health.”


Bottom line: Jessica thinks this is A-OK and that you’re a fascist if you disagree.

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