House Speaker Paul Ryan gave a speech a few days ago at Heritage Action. In that speech, he essentially said the Tea Party was the problem. He says the Tea Party over inflates expectations and generally makes his job much harder.
Today in The Daily Signal, the House Freedom Caucus members fired back.
“I understand what Paul is saying, or trying to say, but let’s look at the reality,” Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, said during the summit.
“You have the Republican Party on one hand saying be realistic, which I think we should be, but don’t engage in fights that you can’t win. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, is telling their voters that ‘we’re going to do the things that you want us to do.’”
The “realism” House leadership is pushing conservatives to embrace during the next year, Labrador said, is the same mentality that lost Republicans the White House and the Senate during the 2012 elections.
“Our leadership is telling us to be realistic and it’s through realism that we’re going to win national elections,” Labrador remarked. “Well, guess what, we were realistic in 2012 and with all due respect, not only did we lose the presidency, we lost the Senate.”
The purpose of politics is present points of view and fight for them in the public square. It is not merely for the purpose of gaining and holding power. What’s the point of gaining power if it doesn’t get used?
That is why you see people like Donald Trump at the top of the GOP race. People are sick of politics of usual and people like Paul Ryan only make it worse.