John Kasich is currently polling in the top five in New Hampshire, and could reasonably overtake Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio with a strong showing. There’s just one problem: the Ohio Governor may be an under the radar advocate for Obamacare. As the Federalist’s Bre Payton notes:
In a new ad, Ohio Gov. John Kasich claims he “rejected Obamacare,” a claim that is absolutely false.
This is the same governor who in 2013 unilaterally imposed Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion in Ohio and bypassed the Republican-controlled legislature to do so. Yet today he is attempting to pull the wool over New Hampshire voters by telling them he opposed Obamacare.
Watch Kasich lie about his record with a straight face.
Kasich has repeatedly tried to claim the Medicaid expansion was an entirely separate deal from Obamacare, when in fact it is the backbone of controversial healthcare law.
His decision to expand Medicaid has resulted in a huge uptick of Obamacare enrollees, which Ohio taxpayers are now on the hook to pay for. To put it another way,“Kasich’s decision to opt in to Medicaid expansion is responsible for 76 percent of Ohio’s Obamacare enrollment.”
So his claim of “rejecting Obamacare” is a flat-out lie, which isn’t all that out of the ordinary, as politicians often tell falsehoods and half-baked truths to sell themselves as candidates. But what is truly surprising is how shameless Kasich is about it.
Kasich’s candidacy rests on his ability to attract moderates and his popularity in Ohio, a key swing state that Republicans will probably need in order to win the presidency. But if winning means nominating someone like Kasich who supports Obamacare, then we all lose.