***Benghazi Report: Coming Soon. Tell Gowdy you have his back!***
Crooked Hillary may be leading in the polls, but something big is on the horizon that could change everything: the pending release of the findings of the Benghazi Select Committee, led by South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy.
It’s hard to know what’s in the report, but there’s two things we know that suggest it could mean the end of her presidential campaign: despite being mathematically eliminated, Bernie Sanders is still in the race, and, as Stop Hillary PAC notes, the radical left is going on the offensive:
Trey Gowdy’s Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi is ready to release the full report detailing the FULL truth of what happened, and Hillary Clinton’s role in the death of four Americans in a terror attack that could have been prevented.
Before the report is released — the liberal media and Hillary’s Democrat apologists on the Committee are trying everything that they can to discredit Trey Gowdy and derail the report!
The political left in this country is totally shameless. They’re going to do everything it takes to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats, no matter how negligent or criminal her behavior. Now is the time to stand up and fight. Now is the time to say “we’re not gonna take it anymore.”
You can join Stop Hillary PAC and tell Gowdy you have his back by clicking here.
***Benghazi Report: Coming Soon. Tell Gowdy you have his back!***